Roots Pizza – South Loop Chicago

Bono Consulting Civil Engineers was retained by The Fifty/50 Restaurant Group to prepare the site plans for a new restaurant, Roots Pizza, in the South Loop of Chicago. Our services included designing the perimeter sidewalks and utility coordination along Dearborn, Polk, and Federal streets.

The public sidewalks, intersection ramps, and crosswalks needed to be compliant with Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility regulations. The utility connections required a permit from CDOT’s Office of Underground Coordination (OUC).

The South Loop was the old industrial heart of the city and there are extensive underground utilities on all surrounding roads. This project site is adjacent to a leg of the Chicago freight tunnel system that dates back to the early 1900s. It was discovered during the OUC permitting process that a leg of the freight tunnel system went under the site. This portion of the tunnel had to be located and coordinated with the site’s foundation design drawings.

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