68-Unit Apartment Building, Maeve on Ridge, Evanston, IL

Bono Consulting worked with the development team on this large apartment building in Evanston, Illinois. Situated on a 0.7-acre site in a combined sewer district, the 68-unit building also has 47 interior parking spaces.

Stormwater detention was required in order to comply with the City of Evanston’s code, and stormwater infiltration (volume control) was required for compliance with Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago’s (MWRD) code because the site area was larger than a half-acre.  The stormwater detention vault is located inside the building, underneath the parking garage. The on-site volume control is under the permeable pavement parking area outside the building.

MWRD required that the hydraulic grade line of the stormwater system needed to be 12 inches below the first floor. To achieve this, Bono Consulting designed a stormwater overflow system that allows the system to overflow into an alley.

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